Thursday, January 12, 2006

All Ye are like Sheep . . .

These are pictures of some of the sheep on the ranch. I went a little picture happy will taking the pictures of the sheep, so I have quite a few, I didn't put them all on because I didn't think that everyone would be quite as excited about them as I am. Hopefully, I picked out some of the best. The big ram is Esau, he has the big beard and horns. We have a total of 25 sheep, 10 baby lambs, they are very cute. To get close up to the sheep, I fed them and hid beside the 4-wheeler. For some strange reason they are less scared of the 4-wheeler than they are of me, this is strange to me because I make a lot less noise then it does and I am not as big, but I used it to my advantage to take pictures. There is a random picture of Jake watching Darin riding, that I thought was also cute, so I added it. Jake often is a good example to Darin and I both about keeping our eyes on the Master.

On a later blog, I will include some pictures of the barn, but I thought that I would wait to do that and not overwhelm you all with pictures. Things are going quite well on the ranch, we had some people (Genevieve, Shelia, and Rachel) over on Tuesday night, which gave me further incentive to unpack and clean, so our house is almost completely unpacked. The only thing is one tupperware for Darin to go through and books in our bedroom. Once it is all unpacked, I plan on taking pictures of the house to share, but I want to wait until the house looks its best.

Another new thing in my life as a housewife/rancher's wife, is that I am now a proud owner of eight plants, two poinsettias, two minature, one ivy plant, one small Christmas tree, and two plants that I am not sure what they are. I inherited them all from Katie when she moved to St. Louis, except one of the poinsettias. I have never owned any plants other than a cactus, so I am excited about them. The first night, I had put them out in the sun during the day on our front porch and left them outside. I was worrying about them before going to sleep because I didn't know if it was going to freeze or not, so I asked Darin and he told me that now that I am responsible plant owner, I should keep up with the weather. So far so good, and it didn't freeze.

bye for now, from sunny Texas. (I had to rub that in for my family who is suffering through their 25th straight day of rain. We actually need rain here and are in a bit of a drought, but I am enjoying the sunshine and warmth)


Aaron and Carolyn said...

You guys are so cool... Darin, seems like you are living out your dream. Your faith and God's soveriegnty is astounding. I am so thrilled for you. Nice pics Jody! Can't wait to meet you one day...

Beck's Bulletin said...

Way to rub it in Jods! Actually it is our 26th day of rain today and our basement is flooding!!! Arghhh....I would much rather be in Texas!

Love your pictures and your blog! It is sooo awesome to read it and catch up more on the 'dailys' of your life!
Love you!

sethswifeforlife said...

Hey Jody and Darin! Great to fellowship with you guys last Sunday! We'll get together again soon. Love the blog and I have one at and (my most updated one). We'll even keep in better touch this way!
Have a great weekend!