Friday, January 27, 2006

The kitchen is the first right from the hallway, or the first thing from the back door, or right off the dining room, it all depends how you come at it. This was probably one of the things that I was most excited about when we were moving, tons of cupboard space, a oven that works, counter space by the stove and a window to the outside.


Megan said...

Your kitchen is amazing!!! Is that island in the middle something that came with the place or was that yours from before??? Just curious

Beck's Bulletin said...

Not sure if Jody is checking comments this weekend Megs because they are driving down to visit Grandma in Rockport, but no, the island is theirs...they bought it when they were living in the barn so that they had decent cupboards to put their things in(the others were in pretty bad shape) And it matches their other coffee tables and end tables. It's very nice!