Friday, January 27, 2006

That Stinks!

I am not kidding when I say, that stinks, because our house at the moment really does stink. Last night was a bit eventful, first Jake started barking, he rarely barks, especially at night. Me being the brave person that I am, asked Darin to go check it out. All that we can figure is that our neighbors got home and they are not usually out late. So, after settling Jake down in our room, not the kitchen because he kept barking, we attempted to get some sleep. I now know that Jake is rather noisy as he settles down for the night with heavy breathing, licking, checking out the room, and great sighs as he laid down. Then at 5:55am this morning, Darin and I both wake up to a loud squeaking noise, I ask Darin what is that and very shortly we found out, it was a skunk! It has somehow managed to crawl under our house and let loose with an impressive smell that has invaded our home, particularly our kitchen. All day we had windows open, fans on and candles burning, good thing we live in Texas and not the great white north. It is funny though because it is rather warm outside tonight and yet we still have a fire going tonight, one to help with the smell and two, it makes the living room nice and cozy. Darin and I both have rather sensitive noses, so hopefully the smells is gone sooner than later and we don't have another late night visitor.


sethswifeforlife said...

OH, what a bummer! I hope that stinky aroma doesn't stay around much longer. And I hope you find the skunk so that it doesn't reproduce! =)

Beck's Bulletin said...

That really does stink! Remember when we had a skunk under the deck in the backyard and the smell came into the house thru the dryer vent? That stunk too! Hopefully you get rid of the smell and the skunk!