Friday, February 03, 2006

Grandma and Palm Trees

Sorry it has been awhile since the last post, I can give you many excuses, so I won't and I will tell you about last weekend. On Saturday, we drove down to Rockport/Fulton, which is close to Corpus Christi, to visit with my Grandma. She winters down there and we had been trying to get to see her and finally everything worked, we were off to the ocean and palm trees. I was very impressed with her new living arrangements, I must say they are a step up from where she was living. Right across the street is the marina for Fulton and a restaurant, where we went for lunch. First on our day with Grandma was lunch, very enjoyable, and then we headed to Port Aransas or Mustang Island. We took a little ferry across and both times saw dolphins and pelicans, the pelicans were everywhere, but they make me laugh a lot, so I thought that I would add that we saw them. They are up there on my list of funny animals with camels and llamas. The reason that pelicans make me laugh so much is because they are rather funny when they hit the water in search of fish, it looks like a crash landing every time. I got a little distracted from our day, but oh well. Once on the island we stopped at the Candyman store, a whole store full of candy, which all of us were excited about. "The Candyman kicked us all in the sweet tooth" After the candy store, we drove to the beach and actually drove on the beach for awhile. I love the ocean and the beach and it had been awhile since I had seen either, so Darin and I took a quick walk on the beach together, Grandma stayed in the van because she had already taken her walk for the day. After the lovely walk on the beach with the most handsome man around, aka my husband, we drove back to Grandma's place and played a couple games of cards with her. It was getting dark and the animals back at the ranch still needed to be fed, so it was time to pack up and head inland, but we didn't do such a good job at packing up, we got about five minutes away and realized that we had forgotten our candy, so we turned around and got that, then about two hours down the road, we realized that Darin had forgotten his wallet in the van, oops! Anyway, we made it safely home and his wallet also arrived safely home, just five days after us. It was a good time to see Grandma and hopefully we will see her one more time before she returns to Minnesota.

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

So fun to 'see' you and Grandma and her place! Dad says to say Thanks so much! It really was a highlight for Grandma! and you have some great pictures! Looks like you have a great camera!