Saturday, March 11, 2006

Adventures of Gardening

Yesterday I decided that I needed to start tackling the outside of our house, so I started with a couple of our flower beds. I went to work on getting out all the leaves and weeds and trying to distinguish what was suppose to be there and what was not. I was already a little wary about it because of the potential for spiders and scorpions, two things which I am not very good with, but I didn't even think about snakes. I was almost done when I saw something that looked like a old hair elastic, on closer inspection, I realized that it was a small snake. I am all right with snakes, expect if I don't know what kind they are, I wasn't sure if it was just a little snake or a baby poisonous snake, so I declared myself done with that flower bed. Since I was very close to the house and the camera, I thought that I should document my discovery.


Beck's Bulletin said...

You Go Girl!!! Flowerbeds and snakes? I think I am glad that all I find in our flowerbeds here are slugs and snails .....having said that do you remember when I did find a garter snake in our front yard? Very unusual....and of course I didn't have my camera close like you did! ;-)
Love you!

Courtney and Jon said...

ewwww, Jodi, I would've cried. I HATE snakes, no matter the size, colour, or shape.
Glad we can hear about your adventures via your blog. I love hearing about your life since you are so far away.


Days in the Making said...

Hey Jody! I know this is an old post now, but I still wanted to say how much I admire your amazing bravery!...But you shouldn't have mentioned the size of the snake, I thought it was alot bigger when I looked at the picture! :)