Saturday, May 27, 2006

six random things

I have been "tagged" my by lovely sister and my wonderful mother, so here goes.

Six Random things about me:

1. I am able to get distracted from just about anything, including housecleaning which I am suppose to be doing right now. I had all these ideas running through my head so I just had to sit down and type them out. This is completely foreign to my husband who is very task-oriented and doesn't see how I can leave something undone.

2. I have the inability to match clothing or anything else for that matter and have been saved by the fact that I grew up with my sister who is amazing at matching things and am now married to a man who is better at matching then many girls I know.

3. I have to have the covers on when I fall asleep, no matter what the temperature is, even if it is the 90s, it is most difficult to fall asleep without at least a sheet covering me.

4. I would be barefoot almost all the time if I didn't live in an unforgiving place called Texas with sticker burrs, scorpions, snakes and other things created after the fall, out there to attack my feet, in addition to the fact that I married a horse trainer and am around horses all the time which doesn't lend itself to going barefoot.

5. I have an incredible ability to break things, particularily glasses. I am sure that I broke at least three sets of glasses growing up and just this week, I broke a glass, while simply walking in my living room. I have broken everything from a gallon jug of milk, a plastic ketchup bottle, and the platter that my Dad's birthday cake was sitting on.

6. I am almost always cold during any season other than summer and then sometimes in summer as well. For some reason, my body is not very good at heating itself, so once I get cold, it is all downhill from there. I have even been known to get purple lips from being cold in silly places like church.

7. Since, I have been tagged by two people, I thought that I would add one for your reading pleasure. I have just recently experienced the, I was dreaming about going to the bathroom and actually went dream. I didn't go that much, but I definately made a wetspot in our bed, fortunately, my husband was not grossed out by this, but that it was hilarious and thought that I should share it on blogland.

Well, there you go Heather and Mom, sorry it took so long for me to complete the list.


sethswifeforlife said...

How fun Jody! And thanks for sharing, it was a pleasure reading. :-)
See you soon!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Those are great Jods! I read them out loud for Dad and Grandma and Grandma says, 'You did a good job!'. Dad says, 'That's why I don't blog, so I don't get tagged!'. Although having said that, he quite enjoyed reading everyone's six random things! We all agreed that you should blog more because you have a great way of putting things in writing!

Having said all that, I do identify with several things on your list....including wanting to go barefoot all the time(good thing I don't live in Texas because I probably would really get in trouble!) and that horrible awful dream!!(not too often though thankfully and not in a very, very long time, and I don't think I ever even told anyone until today! ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to blog today and sharing not just 6 but 7 random things! Love you lots!