Friday, June 09, 2006

Surface of the sun hot!

So, the last week has been rather busy and I always seem to find time to check what is going on in blogland, but never have enough time to update ours. I will try to fill you all in on the last week, hopefully it doesn't come out too randomly and it makes sense to those reading. Last Friday, Sims and Kate Key, Darin's good friend from highschool and a groomsmen in our wedding, stopped by our house on their way to California. They were moving from South Carolina to California and were driving their car out west. I had never met Kate and had only met Sims at our wedding, so it was a lot of fun to be able to hang out with them and get to know them a bit better. We took them on a trail ride and it was Sims' first time on a horse, Tommy, the ranch gelding, did great (and so did Sims). It was rather humorous because we had all the horses saddled up and then a Texas storm blew in and we had to wait out a quick shower before heading off on our adventure. Riding went well and then we had supper with our friends Josh and Katie who are around the ranch for part of the summer. We had a great time with them and I always enjoy getting to know people that Darin talks about.

The next day was Josh's surprise 30th birthday party, so Darin took him off the ranch while we got ready for the party down by the river and waited for the guests to arrive. It worked out well and he was surprised, although. Katie declared it to be her last surprise party ever because it had been so stressful trying to keep it a secret. She has the same blessing or curse that I have of not being able to lie very well or come up with a story on the spot. It was fun to be down at the river with everyone and their kids, although Darin and I were tired and mostly sat around.

Sunday was church and then we went out for lunch with a couple that is in our small group from church, Jared and Abby, which was a lot of fun because we had never gone out just the four of us. Then after lunch we saw a movie together, but first the boys bonded over video games, while Abby and I went a got candy at HEB. They are a neat couple and I am looking forward to getting to know them better.

Monday was Darin first official day at the church, he is now considered part-time, when before he was more like contract labor. He will be giving about 30 hours a week and be on salary, instead of getting paid for every Sunday that he lead the praise time. His job description will soon change because our church is going through a bit of change right now, but as for this moment, he will still be doing music and helping out with the youth. He is going to be teaching at youth group on Sunday nights for the next five weeks, so our Sundays are going to be a little crazy, but that is alright.

The rest of the week has been hot, busy and tiring as we are in a transition time. We still have a barn full of horses to train, working on the ranch and trying to put in 30 hours for the church. It is going well though, we definitely sleep well at the end of the day. So, this has turned into a really long post, hopefully you are still reading and didn't quit half way through because you got bored. Oh the hot part was referring to the fact that it has been in the high 90's and I think it even hit 100 degrees this week. It is amazing how the heat can drain all energy right out of you, good old Texas.

Good bye until next time.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Great post Jods! I love reading all about your life...helps to not feel like you are so far away! Sort of like I get to peek into your lives! Thanks for keeping all of us in Blogland updated!
Love you!
Mom(& Dad....he is sitting beside me catching up on your blog too)

Megan said...

hey jods,
thanks for the update. Good to know a bit more about Darin's new job, would love to hear more about it though. Good luck with it. Sounds great!
Say hi to Darin for us.
Love megan