Friday, July 21, 2006

Sweet Home Alabama

We arrived yesterday night, after a 14 hour driving day, from Birmingham, Alabama. Darin's parents, Donnie and Trudy, were kind enough to drive us back and are visiting us here in Texas. They have not visited Texas since the week that Darin asked me to marry him, so it will be nice for them to see where we are at and what we are up to. Last Wednesday, we left for South Carolina, where we spent a couple days at his parents house catching up with his family. We left Friday for Alabama for the National Convention for Free Will Baptists, where Darin and two of his brothers were doing music for the youth. We stayed the night at Renee's (Daniel's wife) aunt and uncle, then left for Birmingham Saturday morning. Their first service was Sunday morning, then they had three more services, Sunday night, Monday night, and Tuesday night. Daniel, the brother right under Darin, was leading the music, so it was a nice change for Darin to not have to lead, but to just be able to play and sing when he liked. David, Darin's youngest brother, played the drums, Renee sang, then two other guys Patrick (on the electric) and Chris (on the bass) played as well. They did a great job and everyone was shocked at Darin's piano playing ability because he has just picked it up in the last couple of years. It was a lot of fun to get to know everyone better, especially Renee, we had some good times together. We decided that we needed to add on our name tags, Darin's wife or Daniel's wife because so many people knew that we belong to the Miles family, they just didn't know how. It was great for Darin to meet up with so many people from years past from things like Bible school and recruiting for the Bible school. I enjoyed getting to meet so many people that had an influence in Darin's life or that he had in their lives.

PS I wrote this on friday, but have been fighting with the system, trying to get pictures on. Sorry it took awhile and you only get one of the Miles boys.

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for the post Jods! It was good to read about your trip, and see the picture of the Miles Men! Hopefully you will be able to add some more pictures too! How fun for you to meet so many people that have played an important part in Darin's life in the past!