Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Talk

I love the noises that Lexi is making these days, so cute and at times it seems that she calls Darin, Da-da. Often in the early morning hours when she eats, she reaches out to him and says, a da da. In this video she is doing two of the things that she does a lot, making cute noises and eating her toes.

Talking to me.
I love Caily's outfit, all chosen by her, she is especially into accessories these days, such a classic toddle picture, take note of the upside down book she is reading.
It has cooled down this past week and we have been enjoying some fall weather, now as I write I am listening to it rain, something that has not happened too much this past year. Anyway, I need to go to bed because it is way past my bedtime and there will be certain little people who would rather me be well rested them grumpy. Good-night!


sethswifeforlife said...

That's amazing, Jody. Ashlyn started doing that THIS week too, like yesterday! She shocked the kids & I....and kept on going.... "A da-da-da-da" And I have said back to her "ma-ma-ma" and she says "da-da-da".
It's SO cute, to hear Lexi "talking!"
And I love 2 year old outfits!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Oh Jods! Your girls are just too precious....I wish December was already here. I can hardly wait to hold them, to hear them, to read to them, and just to savor and treasure every single minute!Thank you so much for faithfully posting videos and pictures so we can 'know' what's happening.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Such a sweet video! Why do they say "da-da" first??? I have no clue.....I mean, after all, it's "mamamamammamama" who feeds them and is with them the most, it seems! Love Caily's outfit! Thanks so much for posting! Love you all!