Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How'd it go?

My Mom asked how our night went, so I thought I would post about it. The short answer us it went quite well, considering what our nights have looked like. The longer answer is that they both woke up once, I think Lexi woke up Caily. Lexi was probably up from 3:30-4:30, most of that talking to herself and Caily woke up around 4:10 and went back to sleep around 5:20, most of that time I thought she was asleep, but she showed up in our bed around 5:10 and was back in her bed and asleep shortly after that. So, we will see how tonight goes. I think it helped to get Caily to go to sleep, knowing she had to be quiet because Lexi was sleeping.
Right now Caily is finally asleep for her nap and look where she ended up. At one point I went to check on her and she had turned the light on and crawled into the crib, so I let her stay and eventually, an hour and half later, she surrendered to the sleep monster.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Well, the "sleep monster" makes her look like a little angel sleeping there. So sweet. Thanks for posting about the night's progress. I was wondering too! Love you all!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Too cute!! She does look like a little angel sleeping there in the crib! Maybe you should put Lexi in the big bed and Caily back in the crib! LOL...probably not a good idea! Thanks for sharing.