Thursday, November 05, 2009

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

As much as Caily is growing up, she still looks so little some times and it reminds me that she is only two. I love pictures of the two of them together. Lexi had her first bath in the big tub tonight with Caily, it went well, only one time of tears.
Faithful thumb.
Excited about her gifts from Caily, now if only she could get them to her mouth.
Off to do something of the utmost importance!
Fun times of pushing Bit! She actually is quite good at steering, I let her push Lexi around Old Nav*y the same day and she did remarkably well, kept them both occupied.

Couldn't get her to look at the camera, when I was ready to take a picture.
I like the shot, but it would have been even better if I could have gotten her to look at me, shows her size well.
Almost a smile.

There it is!

These are from last week, when the girls and I went to the pumpkin patch in our town. It was fun to go, although hard to get very good pictures by myself. Caily was more interested in running around, moving the pumpkins or pushing Lexi than posing for a picture. Lexi was excited to show off her new skill of sitting on her on, but not so into looking at the camera with any look other than pretty much a blank stare.
I cannot believe that Lexi is six months old today, half a year old! She is doing well, loving to be able to sit on her on and she can do it for quite awhile without toppling over. We have her well-baby check up tomorrow, so we will see how much she has grown. I am thinking of starting her on cereal soon, I think that she is more than ready, I just haven't done it yet. We did give her a sippy with water in it the other day and she attacked it, although was a little unsure once she got any liquid out.
Caily seems to be growing up every day, saying new things and doing new things, some things that are really cute and others that she has picked up from us that are not so cute. She is still loving horses, dogs, chickens and her Daddy.
We have been putting them in the same room at night when ever it works out, rather than every night. Some nights, Lexi just cannot make to even close to Caily's bedtime, so we put her down in our room or the nights when sleep is the ultimate need for everyone involved. It goes pretty good when they sleep together, is just is the chain reaction sometime that gets hard to handle. Caily still wakes up many times throughout the night and often wakes up Lexi and Lexi wakes up usually one time early morning because she goes to bed so early. What ever the case, we will figure it out, I am sure.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Thank you for sharing all those wonderful pictures!!! I checked several times a day to see if they were up.....even tho you couldn't get the girls to look at you, the pictures still definitely tell the story of the day. And they are both soooo cute and grown up looking.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

What a wonderful post....just loved the pictures and the words. Actually made me teary-eyed to think of how quickly they are growing up. You'll never know how the pictures and posts help alleviate some of the pain of not seeing you all more often. Love you....give our hugs to the girls!

sethswifeforlife said...

How fun that Lexi is sitting up on her own!! Ashlyn hasn't quite mastered it completely on her own yet. But this week she really got close to crawling. I'm afraid if she crawls first, she may never want to sit up, because she'll be on the move!
cute, cute girlies in the pumpkins. See you soon!

Heather said...

Love the pictures Jods - can't help but laugh thinking of Caily's first trip to the patch ... she wasn't nearly as smiley then :)