Thursday, November 12, 2009

A morning with Caily and Lexi. . .

These pictures are from last week, I am a little behind in posting pictures, but I hope to catch up at some point without posting a million pictures at one time. I like these ones for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it gives a brief glimpse into our mornings around the ranch. We usually wake up to a certain two year old who wants to be all done night-night and a certain six month old sleeping in a little longer. After breakfast for everyone and once Lexi is back down for her morning nap. Caily and I usually head out to go check on Daddy and see what he is up to.

Here we are "walking" down to the arena, she is getting better at the walking from point A to point B, but is often distracted along the way. This day it was the rocks and rearranging them that was a distraction.
Rowdy was helping her. . . throwing. . .
reloading. . .
holding a butterfly and not too sure about what she is suppose to do with it. . .
time to chase some chickens. . .
hamming it up for the camera. . .
more fun times with Rowdy. . .
O, Bits awake, time to go get her. . .
play time on Caily's bed. . .
Caily being silly, while Lexi looks on. . .
Lexi practicing her new skill. . .
Ol' faithful. . .

Caily singing to Lexi. . .
Lexi concentrating on something or maybe just her thumb. . .
And of course there are diaper changes, feeding Lexi, potty breaks, snacks, moments of frustration, laundry, dishes, other random household things, playing, being silly and the list could go on, but that is a general look at our morning. After Lexi's morning nap we either go back outside or stay in and get lunch ready. That would be a morning with Caily and Lexi.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

What a wonderful glimpse into your life....and what a wonderful life you live. So busy, I know, but so fulfilling. Great, great pictures and great captions! Thanks so much for posting! Love you all!

Beck's Bulletin said...

What absolutely wonderful pictures and yes I agree with Trudy, a wonderful glimpse into your life! You do a great job of capturing the everyday moments Jods! Thanks so much for taking the time to post not only all the pictures but the captions and play-by-play as almost feels like I am right there on the ranch with you and your girls.

sethswifeforlife said...

fun w/your girlies! You're an awesome mom.
I love Lexi's new sitting-up skill.
Ashlyn won't take time to slow down and learn to sit. She is army-crawling everywhere, AND fast! Maybe she'll get the sitting thing down sometime soon!
And I just love Lexi's eyelashes! beautiful!