Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Picture Overload!

I kept thinking that there would be time to do two post in one week to catch up on pictures, but there hasn't been, so I just decided to do them all at once.

Smiley Baby!
Caily and Lexi were laughing at me, I thought it was rather cute! Then Caily just got plain old silly, gotta love our two year old.
Oh, she did her hair herself, she loves putting head bands on and is getting much better at it.
These were taken last week, we were having beautiful warm weather, this week is beautiful as well, just cooler. All set and ready to go watch Daddy ride.
I love her eyes.
Just hanging out.
Darin with the gray horsey as Caily says, but drop the "r", it use to be grape but has moved on.
Bit talking to me.

Caily is into matching either Lexi or myself, so when I put Lexi in her black shirt, Caily wanted hers on as well. Today, we are both wearing green shirts. This is one of the few that I could get them both to look at me, Caily loves to hold Lexi. I don't know if Lexi always loves for Caily to hold her.

They both have amazing eye lashes.

These next two, look like she is scheming something.

Anyway, I need to go check on Lexi who has been taking a monster nap, that is all for now, enjoy all the pictures.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Oh my goodness they are just toooo cute!! Thanks so much for all the's so much fun to watch them grow on your blog...I can hardly wait until Christmas!

Good that Caily is into matching! That bodes well for Family Pictures when we all want to match. :-)

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Love them all....Lexi keeps changing her looks, in my opinion. Love the headbands too! Thank so much for posting! Love you all!

Megan said...

these are great pictures Jods. You have captured moments that are priceless. I can't wait to meet Lexi and play with them both. We are going to have a fun Christmas with everyone together. Looking forward to it.

sethswifeforlife said...

such adorable happy girls. I am sure you are treasuring every moment. And yes, their eyelashes are amazing. :-)
I just realized I'm like a month behind in blog posting. Now I will never catch up.
See you soon.

Anneliese said...

Jody, you take amazing pictures! Love the one with their tukes on. (is there another name for them?)
I'm often thinking that Amrerians have different words for things and we Canadains have to keep track of both.

JJ said...

Jodi, there is no such a thing as "Picture Overload," just ask your mom. I enjoy your blog and you have 2 beautiful daughters. Enjoy Christmas with your family!