Friday, February 19, 2010

She Needs A Name

One thing that Darin and I are not very good at is naming things. We have so many things to name, that we have run out, from horses to puppies to children, I mean really, our daughter was nameless for almost a full day! So, we thought that we would post a picture of our new puppy and see if anybody could come up with a name for our newest member of the family. She is a feisty, outgoing little booger that is not really afraid of anything. When Caily is loud while playing, all the other puppies run away and she runs towards her. We are thinking she is going to make a great show puppy and if she doesn't then we will probably sell her as a pet to someone else. We are looking for another dog to breed because Sky won't have too many more litters, so she may be the one and we will probably know in a couple months, so we won't have her for too long and then have to say good bye. Anyway, throw out any suggestions and we will let you know when she is named!

And because I couldn't go a whole post without pictures of the littles, here are some puppy-baby sweetness.


Life With Kids said...

Bandit? Bandita?

Dawn Elliott said...

She looks like a warrior princess. She is a beauty!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mila or jaci

Anonymous said...

Jods, she is cute. I would call her "Bandit"

Beck's Bulletin said...

I think you got your problems with naming things from me! I have not a single idea for a name although I do like Bandit too! She is a beautiful puppy.

sethswifeforlife said...

Maybe you should name her Feisty....since you said she is that! :-) Bandit is a cute name too though, with her face looking as it does.

christy said...

I like Sadie

Heather said...

Jods - love all the updates!

Been thinking about names ... she is absolutely beautiful :) She reminds of me of chocolate with caramel, or chocolate with peanut butter (weird, I know), so I would name her after a chocolate bar of some sort. Maybe Reese?

What can I say? A little strange ... Bandit is great too!

Anneliese said...

As always ... beautiful pictures and this puppy does look like a show dog!

Anonymous said...

Just read about your daughter naming the puppy in her book Goses. Adorable! Sounds like your puppy -she's always going! Or to make it more feminine, Gosie, to rhyme with Rosie. Ask your daughter!

Megan said...

Hey Jods,
I was reading the comments and I came across Heather's and I started to laugh because I thought she looked like chocolate and peanut butter and I the name Reese's would be cute :) Or another name would be Bella cuz she is a beauty!