Monday, March 15, 2010

Mimi and Buppa

So, I have a good excuse (kind of) for not blogging, my parents came down for a visit and my normal time for computer things was used for other things. It was great having them down and for the girls to be able to spend time with the grandparents. Caily loved every moment spent with them and even Lexi decided that they are all right.

Most of the pictures are quite self explanatory and are a mere fraction of the great pictures that were taken.

Lexi is such a joy and is learning new things almost daily it seems. She says hi and Caily, it is the cutest thing how much our two girls love each other. Caily can get Lexi laughing so hard she can barely breathe. Lexi also learned to wave and it is a full arm motion that she likes to spice up with saying hi. She is also seeming to want to be with Daddy more and more and loving all the games he plays with her.
This is classic Mommy~Lexi pose, I am glad that a picture was taken to help me remember.

I am not sure exactly when it happened, but Caily has turned into a little girl.
We went down to the Riverwalk one nice afternoon, it was fun to ride on the boat and tour it that way. Both girls loved it, but Lexi was so excited about it, she was laughing and smiling almost the whole time.

We went down to Rockport to celebrate my Grandma's 85th birthday. It was a nice little getaway.

Look at the holes in Lexi's jeans! There were little holes in them and then she started crawling around on the deck and next thing I knew, I could see her little knees through her jeans!

Exploring the beach together. Caily was a little hesitant at first and then got into, as did Lexi, she thought crawling on the beach was the best!

Anyway, Lexi has woken up from her nap and Caily has yet to take hers, so I should probably go, enjoy the pictures and head over to my Mom's blog for more.
I wanted to add a silly word that Caily says, bikelcycle for motorcycle, it make me laugh every time!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Such wonderful memories!! So fun to see the pictures posted on your blog....missing you!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...
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Kimberley said...

aww, that's awesome! thanks for the pictures and post! your girls truly are the CUTEST!!!