Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Rocking Chair Fun

I have pictures from Easter and yesterday that I want to post, but that was going to be more work, so I thought I would share these from this morning. Caily was rocking and Lexi decided to join in on the fun. Lexi has been able to climb on the chair for about a week, which always provides some excitement, so far she hasn't fallen off, but I know that day will happen soon.

We have been having gorgeous weather and have been spending as much time as possible outside. Lexi was 11 months yesterday! I cannot believe that in less than a month she will be one year old, my how time has flown by. I know all these pictures are pretty close to exactly the same, but I love all the different smiles.


sethswifeforlife said...

LOVE their smiles! Tiffany saw them and said "awww."

Beck's Bulletin said...

Love all the smiles!!! So fun...and glad to see that they are enjoying their rocking chair! Thanks for sharing.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

These are just precious...they have the happiest smiles on their faces. Can't wait to hug and hold them in a few weeks. Love you all!