Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lexi's Walking!

It has been a long time coming because Lexi has had the ability for a long time, but never the real desire to walk. I know this because when she would be on a soft surface, like grass or the bed she would try, but on hardwood floor, a step or two was all I could get. That was then and this is now, the littlest member of the family is proudly trying to walk all over the place! She is doing quite well, although occasionally thinks that she can go faster than she actually can and ends up on her bottom or almost on her face. I really should be in bed, but wanted to post these cute pictures and document that Lexi is walking (and has been for around a week, I think)!

I love these pictures and the full body concentration it takes to get where she wants to go and the fact that these are in the order that I took them, one after the other.


Megan said...

Wooohooo! way to go Lex! That is such a fun time. I always loved it when my boys started walking. It was always so much fun!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Darling little Lexi! Thanks so much for posting! Love you all!

sethswifeforlife said...

LOVE it! Ashlyn and Lexi need to get together!!! Ashlyn started walking 2 weeks ago while we were on vacation. It's amazing how fast she picked it up, once she finally gave in to do it. I guess 14 months it was for them both!!! I keep hoping that since she crawled for SO long she will be a good reader/learner (so I'm told that that helps!)
Anyway, so happy for Lexi. And less carrying for you. Although maybe more on your toes now. Such fun times.
Hope to see you guys soon!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Such cute pictures and fun to see it documented. Watching her walk on skype tonight was so special although she really does sort of look like a little drunken sailor! But it won't be long before she is running everywhere!

Heather said...

Go Lexi Go! Can't wait to see you all in person at the end of the month Jods :) And I had to chuckle looking at your long and lean little girl ... so different from my sweet little brick ;) They are going to have so much fun together!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Long, lean little girl and a sweet little brick...quite the descriptions of these two cousins who share a birth year. I can hardly wait to see them together too.