Thursday, July 01, 2010

New Normal

So, it has been awhile, I warned you. We have moved and are trying to settle into a new normal for the Miles family. With a new house, a new job for Daddy with new hours away from the house, everyone is having a bit of an adjustment time. We moved to the little town that our church is in, which is nice to be closer to things. I still am adjusting to the idea that I can just run to the store if I need to, it is only 10 minutes away. I won't be posting too much tonight, just a little something to let you know that we are alive and well, just adjusting to doing life a little differently. I will try to get pictures of our new house, but I want it to be a little more set up and a little cleaner before that happens. It may or may not happen the way I would like, we will just have to wait and see.

We had fun with some friends from church at the river the night before we moved. I love this picture of Caily and Darin, stealing some time alone. Speaking of Caily, she turned three on Tuesday and is very excited for her big, pink birthday party coming up on Saturday. She has been talking about this big pink birthday for months now.
Before our trip to South Carolina in April, we went up to a huge ranch in northern Texas, it is the biggest ranch under one fence.
Caily and Lexi both love playing in the dirt, by the end of the day, which was extremely warm, they were so dirty, it was pretty impressive.

All of these happenings have produced some pretty tired girls. I took this picture of Caily the other day, I liked many things about it, but the one that made me chuckle was my old cell phone tucked right beside her.
Caily went to our churches VBS for 3 of the days and loved it. She was quite adamant that it was church not VBS, but anyway, she loved it. I didn't think that she would get too much out of the teaching time, more that it would be a good time to start getting out around other children and adults more, but a couple days afterwards, she was telling us in the truck about Jesus not being able to live in the black heart, him dying on the cross and being in heaven with all of his friends. It brought both Darin and myself to tears as we heard our little girl start to learn some important truths.
This was her first day of VBS and I thought she looked so grown up, I tried to get a picture of both girls, but the one above was as good as I could get.
This little munchkin is growing, sleeping and eating like crazy. Tonight at dinner, Darin was saying that she is a bottomless tank, she seems to be able to eat a crazy amount of food. She is also becoming a little more strong-willed and ornery these days, which will be interesting to see how that pans out. Her two top teeth have broken through and are growing in, which will help in the eating department, although she likes to grind them, which is not my favorite noise.
Anyway, that is all for now and hopefully, the next post will be soon.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Loved the newsy post and glad you are settling in. Let's skype again soon. Love you all!

Beck's Bulletin said...

So good to see your post! All those awesome pictures of your cute girlies and a chance to catch up on some of the happenings.

Anneliese said...

As always, your pictures are so expressive! Hope all continues to go well in your new home.

sethswifeforlife said...

Loved having Caily at VBS. She did awesome! SEriously, better than some of the 5 year olds! :-) It's so amazing what they pick up at such a young age. Seeds are being planted Praise the Lord! Miss you all~