Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Pigtails and the like. . .

Over the weekend we went down to Rockport to enjoy some family/friend time in the sun. It was relaxing to get away from the craziness that is going on right now and just hang out. I thought it was time to try some pigtails on Lexi and they don't get much cuter than that. She isn't the hugest fan of me playing with her hair, so I fed her snacks to sit still.
This is a classic Lexi pose, with her arms out behind her and gathering things!
Here you go Mama!
These two were pretty inseparable over weekend, Caily sure misses her Daddy during the week (so do the rest of us).
The pool is way more fun with Daddy. Although the girls and I have been swimming quite a few times this summer, this was the first time with Darin and Caily was really taking it in!

Once again, few words, but pictures can do a lot of talking all on there own.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Love love love the pictures! Lexi is darling in her new pigtails! Thanks so much for posting! Love you!

Beck's Bulletin said...

What awesome pictures!! And I have to agree that Lexi is such too cute in her pigtails. Seeing the pictures of the pool made me wish we could have been there too....looks like so much fun!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Make that, 'Lexi is 'just' too cute in her pigtails'...I can't type this morning.

Megan said...

wow the girls are looking so big (especially Lexi) and I love the pigtails. Looking forward to seeing you guys in a bit. . Say hi to Darin and tell him we will miss not spending time with him as well.

Rachel Oberg - De Ma Cuisine said...

Where did y'all move to, and where's Darin's new job? I miss y'all, and wish we could hang out more than every three or four years. =)

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