Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BC Part 3. . .

Fun with Sidewalk chalk and bubbles. . .

Caily loves animals, especially furry ones and I think Tikka enjoyed having someone to love on her and not just poke at her like the younger two did. . .
Such a beauty. . .
I really like this picture of my Dad and Tiks, just taking it all in. . .
As camera crazy as my Mom is, it is really nice to have all these pictures, especially of the girls and I because I am usually the one taking the pictures. . . Hug from Lexi, she is getting really good at giving hugs. . .

Hydrating. . .

I really like this one, everything about it is very Lexi. . .
Bubble fun . . .

Kai wasn't so sure about the bubbles, liked the chalk though, I think their expression here is funny. . .
More bubbles and sidewalk chalk fun, this time with Aidan and Jaxon too. . . I like this picture of Aidan and Lexi, such concentration from both and this is one of my favorite hairstyles on Lexi, it suits her well, also gotta love the pants falling down. . .
I don't know why I like this picture so much, you cannot see any faces, but I love all the different things that are going on, from Tikka in the background to Lexi doing what ever she is doing to Heather assisting Kai in something. . .
Such concentration. . .
This picture has depth to it, it is more than just a picture to me. . .

Lexi thought there was something to the cracks in the driveway and was very cautious about stepping over them. . .
Auntie Megan was the bubbles mediator. . . not an easy task . . .
I like Tikka in the background of this picture and almost all the kids watching her. . .
Cousin playtime. . .
We tried to enjoy all the sunny days to there fullest because there were dreary, wet, cold days to come. . .

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

I just love, love, love seeing all the pictures that you have posted! Such awesome memories. They bring smiles to my face.....hopefully I will have my laptop back real soon and can look at them again!