Thursday, September 16, 2010

BC Part One. . .

If you are one who needs to look at pictures in correct chronological order, you will need to go to the end of the post and start there because I am too lazy to rearrange everything.

We talked with Darin a couple of times on Skype and the girls loved seeing him, this is us talking to him. I love Lexi reaching toward him!
I was rather worried about Lexi not warming up to anybody and boy did she surprise me. At home she doesn't really let anybody, with the exception of maybe two people, pick her up when I am around. So, when she was letting people pick her up the very first night, saying I was shocked was an understatement. She really enjoyed her Unkie Matt, I don't know if it helped that he plays like Darin does, or if it just because he is a big softy, either way, it was fun to watch.
The older three "playing cards", while trying to protect them from the grasps of the younger two!
Lexi reading one of her favorite books.

These two are only four and a half months apart and it was really fun and amusing to watch them together. They are built pretty much the opposite, but have many similarities apart from build!
Caily playing with some of my old toys, I cannot believe how big Caily is looking these days!
Kai is such a funny kid when you pull out the camera, add a little music and he is hilarious.
Caily, unfortunately got sick the first night we got there and passed on the loveliness, it was sad though because she lost her voice for three days and just wasn't quite herself for a lot of the time.
Play dough time . . .
Getting to know each others kiddos. . .
A lot of reading was done and while Unkie Matt was around he got in on the action as well.
Bupa joining in as well, cute little Jaxon will also smile for the camera.
This was taken the first night and Lexi was quite comfortable with Auntie Heather, it was like she knew she was with family or something. The piano was a big hit with all the littles. I love her little legs hanging off the bench.
That is all for now, more to come soon, I am not making any promises as to when that will be. I have all the pictures chosen, just have to load them and make them into a post (or five).

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

So fun to see the pictures you chose...and to relive all the memorable moments! My laptop is still in the 'hospital' so no posting on blogs for me for a while yet! Missing you....