Friday, October 15, 2010

Been Awhile

I don't know if I will finish posting from the trip, I was at one of those standstills where I was slightly overwhelmed at where to start blogging, so I decided to post pictures from today just to get things started again. Then I will maybe go back or I don't know yet.

I know these first two are kinda blurry, but they show the goofiness of our little ones!

Caily has been really into riding her scooter and had to change into a skirt because her jeans were too slow!
Lexi is transitioning to one nap a day and it is hard to hold off until after lunch to sleep. I love that this catches what she does when she is sleepy, sucks her thumb and plays with her hair or if you are holding her she will play with yours, so sweet!
I love this picture of her.
I was trying to get a picture of the two of them because they love sitting right beside each other, but this is the best I could get.
Looking inside at Caily, who was changing, something she does 20 times a day or so it feels!
Our little monkey.

This is the face I see a lot during the day. We are working on not fussing and taking no for an answer.
I do not know how she got to be so big. She is really into dressing herself and loves to wear necklaces and bracelets. Some days the outfits are really cute and sometimes they are quite crazy!
Had to add this one from the other day, her hair is getting so long.
That is all for now, hopefully it will be only a couple days before the next post!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Such awesome pictures!! And I agree...when did Caily get to be so grown up! Such a little lady...can hardly wait to see you all next month! Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

oh, SO sweet! they really are! i can't believe how big lexi looks too ... i'm pretty sure she's changed since the summer. i'm glad you posted :) it's been a while, and i was waiting to see those faces again :)
hugs to C&L from T&K!!

trudymiles said...

These pictures are just precious.....can't believe how they are both growing up so fast. Thanks for posting! It's funny that I just checked on Friday and didn't see a post and had to wait till this morning to read and catch up. Hugs and kisses to the girls! Love you all!

sethswifeforlife said...

LOVE Lexi's pigtails. TOO cute.

christy said...

Lexi reminds me of my little one Camryn she is almost three and still does the hair twirling thing. She has woken up several times or has done it in the car as well where she twirls her hair till it's sooo tight on her finger she can't get it off and wakes up screaming. I bed Lexi hair looks like camryn's in the morning one big rats nest:)