Friday, November 09, 2007

19 Weeks

I can't believe that Caily is in her last week of teens. This isn't going to have a lot of typing since the little one just ate and I can't put her down yet and I haven't mastered the one handed type yet. In these pictures she is showing you all what she is up to these days. Trying desperately to sit up, smiling big, holding onto her toes, feeling textures, and generally being a cute kid. She is still at a pause in her rolling over, but she is incredibly close both ways and I know that any day now she will remember her skills. Her stats as of last Monday at her four month appointment are weight 14 lbs.4.8 oz, which is the 66 % and height 24.5 inches in the 73%.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

She is just a dollbaby! You captured some great pictures, Jody! It was wonderful to see her the other night...almost like being right there. You all have a great weekend! Love you!

Beck's Bulletin said...

She is absolutely adorable Jods!!! What a sweetheart...thanks for all the pictures showing what she is up to these days! I sure do miss her!

Kimberley said...

she is such a sweetiepie. definitely looking like daddy's girl (i can see darin in her face). cute as can be! i can tell you're enjoying motherhood! can't wait until you come for a visit. :o)

Nathan and Melissa said...

She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you love being a mom, Jody. Caily looks so happy! Very cute!

Days in the Making said...

You are so funny about the "last week of teens" thing. Just blink and she will really be in her teens!! :)

Rachel Oberg - De Ma Cuisine said...

I'm praying for your family Tiger. My heart aches for y'all. Love you and miss you.
