Sunday, February 19, 2006


Congratulations to Megan and Jamie on their upcoming arrival! I stole this picture off their blog, I hope they don't mind, I wanted to have a picture of them to show who they are for those who don't know them and this was a really good one of them. The big news is that Megan is pregnant and due at the end of August! It was great that we were in Abbotsford for Christmas because they had just found out, so we were able to be there as they shared with the family. They were waiting until she was 13 weeks along before telling everyone, so I thought that I would write to share in their excitement and to congratulate them.

We are incredibly excited for you, Jamie and Megs, as you prepare for this new little life to join them. We are praying for you and the new baby beck. I am excited to see pictures as you and the baby grow and to meet the baby hopefully sooner than later. We love you both.

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

For a minute I thought I was on the wrong blog! But no, it was truly the Tale of Our Miles, congratulating the young Becks! We missed you today Jody as Heather and I went Maternity clothes shopping with Megan....I took a couple of pictures so will have to blog them so you can see too!