Friday, February 17, 2006

The Death of the Skunk!

So, you may be wondering where the Miles have been, well, this picture hopefully can help explain. We have been trying to stay out of our house as much as possible because the now deceased skunk, returned to its home under our home. It all started last Monday about 11pm as we were drifting off to sleep and were forced to evacuate out of our house gagging because of the awful smell invading it. We spent a total of three nights out of our home because of the overwhelming gross smell that only a skunk can make. We were very thankful for John and Diane, who allowed us to stay at their place. Throughout the last week and a bit, we have had a trap set up by its hole under the house, we even baited it, but until last night it was unsuccessful. The skunk somehow ate all the bait without getting caught, it even pulled the can out of the trap, much to our frustration Last night we were rewarded for all our troubles with a skunk in the trap. Our neighbor, Jeff, shot it with his rifle and the skunk sprayed its last. We were incredibly excited that it is gone, although I did feel a little sorry for it. We are hoping that there isn't anything else under our house, but we have another trapped set up just in case. We think that there may be something else under there because the times we heard the little rascal under the house it sounded very upset and like there was more than one.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Way to go guys!!!! You won the battle...and hopefully the war!(and Jods, don't feel sorry for the skunk...after all it did invade your space!) Sure hope all remnant of skunk smell is gone by the time we come to visit in April! ;-) Love you!

The Miles said...


Felicitations sur le mort de le 'skunck'. Allez par tout le monde et prechez le bonne nouvelle at tout les creation. bisous, dnr

sethswifeforlife said...

yay! I hope it really is gone, and that the smell is gone soon too! What an 'adventure'! =)

Kirsten said...

Hi Jody! I am so glad to hear the skunk is gone. I had a mommy skunk and five little baby skunks living in my backyard a couple months ago. I don't know where they came from, but a trap was set and they were caught successfully, perhaps more successfully than yours because they never sprayed! I was so thankful. Anyway, found your blog via your siblings. Fun to hear your updates.