Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Happy 10 Months!

So, today marks off ten months of being married to the most wonderful, handsome man around! It has been an amazing time . . . and that is as far as I got four days ago. Tuesday was one of those days that just didn't turn out quite the way we expected it to. We got a call around 4:30 pm that Wayne, who we use to work with, had an emergency situation with a horse and needed a favor from us. He was unable to drive that night because he was preparing for a medical procedure the next day and was in no shape to drive, so he asked if we could drive a horse to the vet. This wouldn't have been that big of a deal except for the fact that his vet is 3 and a half hours away. So, we finished up here and headed into Boerne to pick up the horse and head out to the Houston area. All in all we didn't get home until 5 am and were incredibly tired. We are still trying to catch up on sleep because we are not doing so good at getting to bed on time.
Last night we had our first official e-group (encouragement group) with the young married couples from church. In total there are 6 couples, although one couple was missing last night. We had everyone over and have somehow been voted to be the leaders of the group. I think it should be a lot of fun and great to get to know some young married couples better. It will be a time to hang out and have fun, as well as grow together in the Lord.
I haven't had any really big things to write about, but I knew that I was overdue for an update from the Miles life. Like I was saying, married life has been great in many ways, one of which is the growing experience that I have encounter through the Lord and Darin. I love every minute that we get to be together and am thankful that the Lord has blessed us with the time that we have gotten to work together early on in our marriage. I know that some couples would drive each other crazy if they were around each other all the time, but I love it. We do have times apart, but not for extended periods of time like if Darin had an office job or something. Anyway, I am thankful for the time that the Lord has given us and pray that we will have many more days together.
It is funny because when I went and published this entry it showed the date as Tuesday, March 28, which could be confusing because I refer to Tuesday as four days ago and last night, which wasn't Monday night, but actually Friday night. So, to try to straighten out any confusion, I wrote this on Saturday night.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Belated Happy 10 Month Anniversary! I had to chuckle as I read your post Jody...in so many ways, you and Darin are like Dad and I...spending long days together, working at the same thing and understanding each other in a unique way as a result! After almost 31 years, I still love the fact that we can drive to work together. ;-) And no, we haven't gotten tired or each other yet!

Days in the Making said...

Happy ten month Anniversary!! You guys are an awesome couple.