Monday, April 03, 2006

What are these?

I have been in the process of cleaning out my flower beds, as you know, and I came upon these. At first they were just greens sticking out of the ground and then recently I saw some heads pushing through. Yesterday and today they started to open up and I don't know what kind of flower they are. I have seen them other places around here, but I would like to know what they are so I can plant some on the other side of our steps.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Pretty flowers? That's what they are!!! I don't have a clue what they are, but maybe someone else will. I will also look in my flower books and see if I can find out! How fun to be surprised by such beautiful flowers( could always pick one and take it into a nursery in town and ask them)

Beck's Bulletin said...

On second look, they must be part of the lily family....from the look of the leaves(long and skinny) and the flower itself.

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

amaryllis! -denise engler