Thursday, March 02, 2006

Where have the Miles been?

You may have been asking yourselves that question recently, we are here, just rather busy and nothing has happened that I had taken pictures of or taken the time to blog. We are doing well and enjoying life on the ranch. The last couple of days have brought warmth and sunshine, like in the 80's, so we have been soaking up the sunshine. I wish that this was as hot as it got, but the warmth made me think ahead to the hotness of summer. As for news about the ranch, we have added two Angus calves, which is great because I was starting to think that they were never going to start calving, some of them are huge! We did have a sad moment on the ranch becuase one night when I fed the sheep, there was a lamb missing, I looked for it, but couldn't find it and it was getting dark, unlike the Good Shepherd, I didn't continue to look. Eventually, it was found it one of the water tanks, it had drowned, so very sad. I guess that I will have to start getting use to things like that now that we live on a ranch and all, but I don't know if I ever will.
Last week we celebrated my 23rd birthday on the 23rd, I think that I am getting rather old, but most everyone has told me that I am not. It was great to have my first birthday being married, I hope there are many more to come. Darin was very sweet about it, especially since birthdays aren't as big a deal for him. Speaking of Darin, if you could keep him in your prayers this week and next because he is going to be preaching and doing the music at church. At first he was excited about it and I think now he is a little overwhelmed. I know that he will do great, but he is not too sure.
As for other news, our good friends Josh and Katie came home for the weekend, which was really good to see them. We miss their friendship alot, but are excited for them as they start out in St. Louis. Other visitors to the ranch were my Grandma, and her sister Mary and husband Denny, and brother John and wife Delores. We had lunch with the in Boerne and then took them on a tour of the ranch, Grandma was very excited to see it and where we are living. I have enjoyed being able to see her twice this winter.
Anyway, that is about all I can think of, but I wanted to post something for those of you who check out our blog because I know how disappointing it is to always see the same blog with nothing new. Bye for now.


Megan said...

Thanks Jods for posting something. It is always fun to get updates no matter what the content is. Glad to hear you had a good birthday!!! Enjoy the hot weather!

Beck's Bulletin said...

I agree with Megs! It is fun to see something new posted on your blog! and I check it a couple of times each day just in case! Silly I know....but it is just fun to read and catch up on what is happening in your lives!

The warm weather sounds awesome! I can hardly wait to come and enjoy it! After the cold and rain this week, lots of sunshine sounds very inviting!

We will be praying for Darin as he prepares to preach and do worship!
Love you both!

Heather said...

Good to see you back online Jods! I love Jamie and Megs but I must admit to disappointment everytime I have seen their face on your blog in the last little bit :)

sethswifeforlife said...

Thanks for the update. There's always "something" to blog about....amazing what un-interesting things to us, might interest others.
We hope to see you all soon. And we'll be praying for Darin. God bless!

Courtney and Jon said...

I agree Jodi, it is kinda heart breaking to keep seeing the same post for a long time with no changes. Thank you for posting just writing, it was lovely to read. I am glad that you are doing great out there on the farm. The part about the sheep would be really hard for me as well. Keep it up :)