Friday, April 28, 2006

Visitors from BC

Well, it has been almost a month since our last post and like all the other times, my excuse is that is has been rather busy, I know that I could probably find the time to quickly write something, but it always seems as though something comes up. So, I am finally sitting down and writing an entry because I know how frustrating it can be to see the same thing on a blog day after day.

The biggest thing that has been going on in our lives is that my parents came down to visit! They were here from the 18th to the 26th, we had a great time with them. It was fun for them to be able to see what we do, where we live and our daily lives, I am glad that they were okay with relaxing because we still had work to do while they were here. I also enjoyed someone to do the dishes for me, that is something that always seems to pile up and get put off 'til another day. They sure earned their keep!

We didn't do too many touristy things with them because they have been down here so many times already, although we did go to Gruene, an old German town, after church on Sunday, which was enjoyable. I had gone there after my last ladies Bible study, so Darin hadn't even been there before, so it was new to all of them. We also went shopping, my birthday present, which was most enjoyable and I added to my Sunday clothes collection, thanks again.

We really enjoyed having them come and visit, thanks for coming Mom and Dad.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Thank you for having us!!! We really, really enjoyed our time and were so glad to just hang out with you ....I love the picture with Jake! But I was really watching your blog and waiting to read about the Canoe trip....I guess you are leaving that one for Darin! ;-) Sure makes a great story! And yes, we are still smiling thinking about those pink flip flops!
Love you!

Megan said...

Hey Jods and Darin,
It sounds like they had a great time. IT has been fun to hear all the stories as well. Glad that you had the time with them.
Take care.
Love you

Kevin said...

Hey Guys! We finally joined the blogging world. It seems to be the method of choice for keeping up with everybody these days! Take Care! Kevin and Leah