Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Newest Additions

June has been and is continuing to be a crazy month, this is because it is a transition time with things starting up, while others are finishing off. Something that is starting up is the purchase of some broodmares for the ranch. The last two Saturdays, Darin and I have spent driving around Texas, picking up broodmares and their babies. On the 10th we drove up to the Houston area and picked up this sorrel colt and his mama, he is only 17 days old and already a handful. When we took his mama to the vet, he was only eight days old and the vet told us we are going to have our hands full. Normally a colt of that age would stick right beside his mom, not our colt, he was investigating the whole office, biting on chairs and fanning himself in front of a fan that was the same size as he was. He is quite confident, which is a good thing, but could eventually get him into trouble. He already loves to be scratched and will come up to you to get attention, the only problem is that he loves to nip at you while you are scratching him, so you have to avoid his little mouth.

We picked up the other palomino colt this past Saturday from an hour past Dallas. He is about two months old and a little more hesitant to get attention, but that is already improving. He has spent alot of his time at a breeding facilty, while his mama was getting rebred, so he has not had very much human interaction. He is a little rough looking at the moment because he was out with about 30 other broodmares and their babies, but he is a flashy little guy and Darin is very excited about how he is built and the way he moves already.

So, that has been keeping us busy on top of everything else, I don't mind though, I love babies of any kind, and they are so much fun to mess with and watch.

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

They are soooooo cute!! Thanks for posting these pictures Jody... I kept checking to see if they were up yet! I can see why you would be enjoying these colts...how fun! What a blessing that God has allowed you to be there on the ranch and to be enjoying all the baby animals! You always loved animals and God has given you lots of them to care for!
Love you and miss you!