Saturday, July 08, 2006

Long overdue. . .

So, we have been home a week and still no post, I am sure that some of you have long given up hope of seeing any pictures, will you have done so too soon. I finally have the time to sit down and write some and I have the computer, with Darin working some at the office, he takes the computer with him, so it cuts down on my time to blog. That is alright though, it is easier to get thing done without the distraction of the computer.

Our trip was great, fun times hanging out, relaxing and enjoying God's creation. The beaches were beautiful and the color of the water was breath-taking. It was great to get a way from phones, computers and to-do list and just live the day without a time schedule. More often than not I had no idea what time it was, which is a bit of a strange feeling. The boat we were on was called the Aquamist and Darin and I didn't realize how affected we were by the waves until we were off the boat and everything was still swaying. We spent every night on the boat either docked in a marina or anchored in some cay. We were in the Exuma's and went from cay to cay throughout the week. There were many different attractions at each different island. There was the island with the pigs that would swim out to get fed, or the igauna island with over 20 igaunas, or thunderboldt cave, or an island that use to be controlled by a drug-lord that had a downed plane that we snorkeled around. Darin and I were extremely grateful for the opportunity that was given to us by Josh and Katie and John and Diane.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Yeah! Finally some pictures! What a beautiful place to visit...good to see just a little bit of it in pictures! Where are all the pictures of you and Darin?

Heather said...

It looks wonderful Jods - what a opportunity :) Doesn't quite look like Texas, does it?

sethswifeforlife said...

How wonderful, Jody! Seth and I went on the AquaMist 7 years ago, when I was pregnant with Tiffany! It was a trip of a lifetime. And wonderful to do before kids, so glad ya'll had the opportunity! Beautiful pics too. We need to get together sometime!