Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Some Random Pictures

These are some pictures from the last month that I have been meaning to post, but I just got them on the computer, so I thought that I would post them, even though they are a little over due. The pictures of baby lambs are are for my sister, I was telling her about our lambs and she said that she was more interested in them then the baby horse. So, I told her I would post some pictures for her, so here they are. We are probably at around 26-28 new lambs. I say it that way because at our last count we got 26, but it has been a week or so since then and we have spotted a couple tiny ones that look newer than the rest. Through the recent cold spell, which are the other pictures, the mamas all decided that it would be a great time to have babies. Fortunately, we were able to have a place for them to be inside, so we only lost one. It was crazy to see so much ice everywhere and we actually got snow for an hour or so. It was fun to have a taste of winter, which we didn't get last year. Anyway, enough randomness for today.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Yikes that ice was crazy! Hard to believe that you got it in Texas! What is that anyway? Quite something to see the pictures of it!

Thanks too for the pictures of the baby lambs. Even though I love the baby horses too, there is something so sweet about the lambs. Can't even imagine 26 of them playing and leaping around!

Heather said...

Yeah for the lamb pictures - very impressed that you remembered :)