Monday, October 26, 2009

Who Won?

I wanted to post these pictures to show how God has been protecting our family recently. Sunday morning on our way to church, we were literally thirty second from the ranch front gate when a deer was darting around all crazy like, Darin had started to slow down, but the deer decided to cut in front of the van. I closed my eyes because that is what I do, so the rest is from what Darin has told me. The deer jumped, poked her feet an inch or two from my face and left quite the mark on our van. Darin and I were showered with glass and blood, but otherwise pretty much untouched. The girls both had a little hair and glass, but were not scratched at all. I did not open my eyes again until Darin asked me if I was okay, I opened them to a hole in our windshield and glass all over the place, but okay. Caily seems to be okay with the whole thing, although she is rather upset that the car is such a mess. She has been talking about it for the last two days, about the car being broken and being a mess, how it needs to get fixed and clean. She also has talked about Darin having food on him, which we think she is talking about the blood and that I fell down, aka, had glass all over me. We haven't been in the car since, so I don't konw if that will be a problem and I think that she all right with everything.

Warning: there is blood all over the van from the deer that didn't quite make the jump.

I thought that I needed to add at least a couple pictures of Lexi. She loves to play in the exersaucer and try to chew on everything that even comes close to her mouth. I don't know why her ears look so big in these pictures, they really aren't that big in real life.

Tonight is the first night that the girls are in their room together, we will see how it goes. I thought it might be a good night to try since they were going to bed at the same time and so far so good, we will see how it goes. Darin asked Caily if she wanted Lexi to sleep in her room with her and she said yes, so here goes. We told Caily that she has to be really quiet and so far she has been. Hopefully they both sleep through the night and the adjust well and quickly to sharing a room. I am looking forward to having our room back.


Kimberley said...

ewwwww to the deer blood. gross! did it run off after too, or is it lying on the side of the road?? i'd close my eyes too jods, i don't blame you. so thankful for God's protection of you all though! wow. hopefully caily won't have any issues with being afraid while driving. love the pics of your little Lexi...she is SOOOO cute!

christy said...

yikes! glad you are ok but what a mess to clean up!

Beck's Bulletin said...

I am so thankful that God protected could have been far worse! Thanks for sharing the pictures of Lexi...she is just too cute!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

So thankful for the Lord's protection...."the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them"...He definitely wasn't slumbering or sleeping Sunday morning. Love you all...and loved the pictures of Lexi.

Beck's Bulletin said...

So how did your night go?

sethswifeforlife said...

I still can't believe that happened to you guys. What a scary experience though. Thank God for HIS protection over you guys!
And what a yucky mess! Is the van totalled or fix-able?

Anneliese said...

I can't believe your mom didn't even tell me aobut this... but there's been so much happening! I'm so glad you're safe and I think it's good instinct to close your eyes. If you hadn't you could have gotten glass in them.