Friday, December 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Bupa!

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope that you enjoy this short video of the girls.

Sorry about the lack of posting, I have been sick most of the week and blogging has not been high on the list, hopefully there will be more to come soon.

It is snowing! Crazy Texas weather, Caily keeps saying she wants to build a snowman and we are trying to convince her that that may or may not happen, since the snow isn't sticking yet and it is Texas after all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Jods the video was not working when I tried it and will try it later. Looking forward to having you home for awhile. It should be a GREAT time.

Anonymous said...

That comment was from Bupa!!

Anonymous said...

Just got the video to work. What a great video. That was a great gift for me. So thanks to the girls and give them a big hug, esp "Sweet Pea" Bupa

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks so much for that awesome video Jods!! I cried! But good tears....knowing it's only 11 more sleeps before we get to see you all in person. I can hardly wait!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Yeah! What a wonderful birthday...can't believe how well Caily is talking! They are really growing up...oh, Happy Birthday, Bupa from the Miles' in SC!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

I meant to say what a wonderful birthday PRESENT....sorry!

Anneliese said...

Caily's talking so well! I say Bupa would call this the best Birthday greeting of all!