Monday, January 04, 2010

Wow, a whole month!

I am mad that this pictures is blurry, it is a great picture of their cheesy grins. Caily went on her first real ride by herself, with Darin leading her. Darin got her stirrups that go over the saddle horn and she used them for the first time tonight. I bet she could have ridden all night long.
Such a little girl on such a big horse.
Caily and Lexi trying out Caily's Christmas present.

So, this is just a teaser of a post because it is well past my bedtime, but I didn't want to let more than a month go by without posting. Between sickness, traveling, Christmas, puppies and the normal busyness of life, I haven't gotten to blogging. Another excuse is that I am overwhelmed at where to start, there are literally hundreds of pictures from Christmas and there isn't really a good place to start, so I might just direct you to my Mom's blog for now and see if I get there or not. All is well and I will try really hard to blog before the week is over.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Wow! Thanks so much for posting. "Caily on the Horse" pictres are just wonderful. I had been visiting your mom's blog daily and still love to go back and look at all the wonderful pictures. Lexi is growing too fast! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for posting the awesome pictures!! Caily is such a little 'cowgirl' and looks so proud of herself! Thanks for sharing with us.

Earle Expedition said...

Holy Cow! She is brave. She looks like a natural though.

sethswifeforlife said...

what a great father/daughter picture! I know what it's like to feel behind on blogging and feel I'll never cathc up again. LIFE has gotten a hold of me! :-)
See you soon~