Friday, January 15, 2010

Pictures and more. . .

So, I didn't exactly get to posting last week, sorry about that. Darin was gone from Wednesday evening to Sunday morning and I was expecting to have more time to do things in the evening, but I didn't, oh well.
Things are going well here, although lacking in the sleeping department. Lexi has decided that she would like to wake up twice at night, although Caily is doing much better, so they are balancing each other out, which is kind of nice. Both of them are teething, so that probably isn't helping, Caily is finally getting her two year old molars and Lexi is working on her front two bottom teeth. The last couple of mornings, Lexi has been staying awake after her second feeding which is around 4:30 or 5 until I can coax her back to sleep. She is also learning how to pull up, which often results in a stuck and upset baby, which then results in lack of sleep. She use to do so good at sleeping, just put her in her crib and off to sleep she would go. Now it seems, like I cannot read when that perfect time to put her down is, so she often passes out from exhausting once a day instead of taking good naps. I am getting more sleepy cuddles and time to hold a sleeping baby, so that is a lovely thing.
Lexi is crawling all over the place, which is fun to see her start to explore. Some of her favorite things these days are power cords, shoes and anything that could potentially choke her. She also is really loving pulling up on the box that the puppies are in and trying to grab them or Sky. She tried pears the other day and thought they were all right, although the second day she thought I was trying to harm her. So, still not doing so well in the solids department, but she doesn't seem to be lacking in her ability to thrive. Another very cute thing that she is doing is giving very slobbery kisses either on the nose, lips or chin, it is so fun.
Caily is doing well and very into the time of how things go, for example she is getting the hang of using words like later, almost, not yet, just a second, and first we will do this than we will do that, so that is helpful at times when trying to explain things to her and funny when she uses them in the right context, she sounds so grown up. Speaking of grown up, her hair is really getting long these days and makes her look a lot older, we have come so far from the fuzzy head that she use to have.
Caily also loves to wear dress and tights and have people matching. Often she thinks that Lexi and I should be wearing the same thing as her, which is fun at times, but hard because not all of our clothes are very matchy matchy. I thought that it would be Lexi trying to be like Caily, but these days it is the reverse. Caily would sit all day in holding and playing with the puppies, if I let her, she loves holding them like babies, rocking them, clapping their paws and burping them. These will be the most kid broke puppies ever.
Modeling their hats from Mama T and their new outfits. Caily was thrilled because they can match! All bundled up ready to walk.
We had some very cold weather last week, well, very cold for down here, well below freezing, so we spent a lot of time indoors, but on Sunday, things warmed up a bit and the sun came out, so the girls and I went for a walk. I love this picture of Lexi, she is such a sweetheart, all bundled up.
Walking with Caily is always an adventure, she will ride in the stroller for a little while, but then will run most of the way. She loves to try to keep up with Sky and I actually get to keep quite a brisk pace to try to keep up with the two of them.
She loves to run in front of me and look back between her legs, I have yet to get a good shot of it, but this one gives you an idea, she thinks it is so funny.

Both turning to look, I thought that was funny how I caught both of them looking.
And they are off.
Lexi all dressed up for church on Sunday and playing while I got ready for church. I had to get some more pictures of her toothless grin before her teeth break through.
Silly baby!

I love how this picture show a lot of who Caily is at the moment, with her dress up clothes on holding her puppy.
Just hanging out.
Hope you enjoy the monster post!


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Yes, I just LOVED the monster post. It's so wonderful how you capture where the girls are in their growth/development that lets us peek into their personalities more. I love all the pictures and descriptions...thanks so much for taking the time to do it. It means so much to those of us MILES away! Love you all!

Megan said...

Thanks Jods!
Great pics. I just got to posting pics of Christmas! Craziness.

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thank you for all those pictures!! They just make me smile and smile and smile.......and I have to agree that you do an awesome job of capturing their personalities! Caily looks soooo grown up.