Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nine Months!

Well, once again it has been too long, but I am going to go with better late than never. I cannot believe that Lexi is already nine months old! She is getting so big and active, it is crazy how quickly it has gone with her. These pictures are backwards, so if you must, start at the bottom and work your way up. It has been really cold and rainy here, which is unusual and the few pictures with sun are from the two nice days we had the end of the week last week.

This is my favorite puppy from this litter. All the puppies are named with a Christmas theme because they were born on Christmas eve day. Her name is Holly.
Campbell and Caily watching Taylor and Aubrey.
Caily loving on a puppy, sometimes it is forced love, but usually they really like to be around her.
Dancing with Jingle.
Caily hard at work, this is a classic Caily face.
She has been living in her rubber boots because it has been so muddy, such a change from a few months ago when we were in the most severe drought in about fifty years.
I think this is a good picture that depicts how motherhood can feel at times.

This is Caily's favorite puppy, his name is Rudolph.
Caily has gotten so much better at climbing fences, now she wants to climb over them, just not quite there yet.
Lexi is definitely mobile these days and keeps me on my toes at all moments of the day. She is pulling up on things and has even stood momentarily by herself. She loves to be on the move and has started to like to be chased. Another new trick is using what ever she has pulled up on to move around the room, in this picture it is Caily's chair. That is not all drool, some of that is from her sippy cup that she attacks with vigor.
She is such a silly baby and has us all laughing constantly.
I love her beautiful blues.
Showing off her two teeth, such a little ham.
One of Caily's favorite things is catching chickens.
Pretty much holding any sort of animal will do.
She is turning into quite the little farm hand, she loved to help bottle feed the goats.
Darin had a men's retreat at the end of January and two friends from the hill came over for the night, it was great fun. Caily, Lexi and Genevieve all had matching boots.
Lexi has decided to like table food and now eagerly awaits her meals. She often gets quite impatient if not fed at the pace she would like and will let you know with hand banging and squeals. Caily is saying more and more things these days and often they are quite funny, nothing comes to mind at the moment, but between the two of them, we are laughing quite often.

Anyway, that is all for now, I need to go, hope you enjoy the pictures and hopefully it will not be this long again before the next post.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

I just LOVE all these sweet pictures. We're down at the beach for our Couples' Retreat but just had ot peek to see if you'd posted...and now I'm going to come back several times a day to gaze at these pictures. We're going to have to get reintroduced to Lexi! She's getting so big and Caily too! Love to you all....and Happy Valentine's Day!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for all the wonderful pictures! I cannot believe how big Lexi is getting and watching Caily with all the animals so reminds me of you Jods....any animal needed to be loved! I can see why Holly is your favorite puppy from this litter...she is beautiful!

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