Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Because. . .

There isn't going to be much besides pictures because I am tired and battling naps this afternoon, but I thought we are overdue for an update, so here are some pictures to satisfy that.
I cannot believe how big this little girl is getting, some days when I look at her, I see such a little girl instead of a toddler, which scares me a little bit in how fast these girls are growing up. Yet, I have to keep reminding myself that she is only two and to have two year old expectations her and her behavior.
I love the whole look she had going on yesterday!

She has such joy and love for life!

Lexi enjoying some baby yogurt and looking oh so beautiful in the process. Cute girls in matching outfits and matching bows requested by one C.
She loves her horses!
Loving to crawl and explore!
Sky looking quite wet and Lexi showing off one of her new skills. The puppies are now in one of the barns, which is great because I get my kitchen back, but Caily is missing being able to spend so much time with them.
That is all for now, enjoy!


Beck's Bulletin said...

I cannot believe how much your girlies have grown since you left after Christmas! Good thing we have a Texas trip to look forward to this spring. Thanks for posting all those beautiful every one!

sethswifeforlife said...

awww, adorable pics as always. Lexi's eating some food now,eh? She's SO cute w/a messy face! See you soon!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Sweet pictures...thanks so much again for taking the time! Love you all!

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