Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Pictures

Easter was a long day for us, with leaving for church at 6 am, so we didn't get pictures until after nap time, so you will have to excuse the bed head from Caily and lack of bows for both girls. Caily does not usually wake up in the best mood, so I was not going to push anything by trying to redo her hair. This is the first year that Caily has done an Easter egg hunt, I think she enjoyed it. Lexi didn't get to do it this year, but I think she was more than all right with that and she enjoyed just shaking the eggs.

Going to do chores, we have two little girls that love their Daddy, Caily wants to be with him all the time, no matter what he is doing, she would like to be with him.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Sweet pictures....darling dresses.....thanks so much! Love you all!

Heather said...

What sweethearts ... love the pictures. So wish we were closer so I could come give them squishes :)

Beck's Bulletin said...

So adorable! Thanks for sharing the pictures....someday it would so much fun to have an Easter Egg hunt for all the cousins!