Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Happy Birthday Lexi!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Lexi! I cannot believe that she is already one years old! There will be more to come, but I wanted to post a picture of the birthday girl.


Beck's Bulletin said...

What a cute picture!!! and I agree, it is hard to believe that she is one year old already! Happy Birthday Lexi...hopefully we get to skype with you yet today!

Heather said...

Hard to believe it has already been a year! Happy Birthday to your little sweetheart.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Great picture of sweet little Lexi. I hope she had a good birthday! Love you all and miss you! Hope the girls are feeling better.

Megan said...

Can't believe you are already 1 years old! Craziness how fast a year goes. I hope that all of you have a great day celebrating. Happy Birthday Lexi!

ashly said...

Hey guys! Just found your blog!! I loved reading the entrees! Not sure if you guys have our. IT's:
Just started it, so there aren't as many amazing stories like yours on there! :)
How is moving coming along? Ugggg... In some ways I dread moving in the future, but at the same time, I find moving exciting. maybe because I have never moved with children. My mind may change very quickly the first time that happens!! Take care!! Love you guys!!
Jason, Ashly and Landrey