Thursday, May 06, 2010

The Birthday Girl!

So, we didn't do a lot for Lexi on her birthday, we are going to go to the zoo on Saturday and do cupcakes then, but we wanted to do something, so we went into town and got some shaved ice and just enjoyed being together.

This is one of her new things she does, she points and makes a cute questioning noise.
Mmm, she enjoyed sharing Daddy's shaved ice!
Caily loved running and running and running, this child loves to run! She literally will run in circles for hours.
For some reason, Darin's was much better than mine in the girls eyes and I had mine pretty much to myself.
These were from earlier in the day, I just didn't want to swap them around. Caily was blowing bubbles and Lexi was blowing too!
Lexi reminds me of someone in this picture, although I am not sure who, family, help me out.
Little Miss Priss
I brought the rocking chair out to entice Lexi, so I could get some pictures of her, but she only stayed there for a few moments and the rest of the time I was trying to make sure she wouldn't crawl off the porch.
Some milestones she has reached yesterday and today ~ she took her first steps by herself last night and tonight drank out of a straw for the first time. We had smoothies with our supper and that was enough incentive to get her drinking. She loves giving kisses, although she is selective when to hand them out. She is loving walking while holding our fingers and will back into your lap and grab a finger in both hand and start walking. Another thing she is doing, that melts my heart is she will back into your lap to sit on your lap while playing on the floor. We love this sweet girl dearly and she is constantly making us laugh and smile, she is such a sweetheart.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Your girlies are so adorable! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. How I wish we could have joined you for shaved ice in the park...or even the zoo on Saturday! Love you!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Loved this sweet post. Looks like she had a great birthday. They look so cute in their little pink dresses. Loved all the pics! Love and miss you all!

sethswifeforlife said...

We went to the zoo, it was a ZOO too! lol. I think half the schools in San Antonio decided the zoo was their end of the school year field trip or something! Anyway, now we know not to go on a Friday in May again. ah well.
Ashlyn loved seeing all the "dogs" (animals....she calls all animals dogs right now) and her thing is pointing at everything too. It's SO cute. Lexi will have a great time I'm sure!
How fun that she took some steps by herself. Maybe she will have to give Ashlyn walking lessons, since she doesn't even want to stand and hold my fingers, she'd still rather crawl. ah well.
I love this age. All the fun things they learn and discover. So sweet. And Lexi is just so sweet! ENJOY every moment. :-) Happy Mom's Day to you this weekend too!

sethswifeforlife said...

oops, sorry that was more like an email than a comment. :-)

that's us... said...

it's always this way i suppose- but wow did that year fly by...remembering those last weeks as you were anticipating lexi's arrival...and now she's one! you have the most adorable girls!

but what exactly is shaved ice???

Darin and Jody said...

I don't mind the email Abby, don't worry about it! Shaved ice is like a snow cone but better because the ice is shave off a large block of ice as opposed to chunks of ice!

Kristin said...

Yea for birthdays! It is so sad how they seem to grow up in the blink of an eye though. Enjoy this fun stage with your girls. Hope you are doing well!

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