Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pictures. . .

These are from Lexi opening up her presents for her birthday, don't mind the Christmas paper, that is all I have in the house and she didn't seem to care!
Loving on her baby!
We went to the zoo for Lexi's birthday with our friends Phil and Mandy. We had a good day, I think Caily probably enjoyed it more than Lexi, but Lexi got to try out her skill of pointing at everything.

Darin with his two girlies, Lexi is turning into quite the Daddy's girl and gets so excited when she sees him. She almost always says, "Hi Da!" while frantically waving at him and lunging towards him.

It has been awhile and it probably will be awhile until I post again. We are in the middle of packing and will be moving at the end of May or the beginning of June. There is a lot going on right now, so blogging is not high on the list, sorry! I will try to post pictures every now and then to keep the family happy, but I am not making any promises. By the time I get to sit down, I do not have the energy to do anything that takes mind power. Packing with two little ones, is not very easy, and I struggled to keep up with normal daily chores, much less adding packing to the list.

Anyway, the Miles' are alive and kicking and learning to trust God whole-heartedly!


sethswifeforlife said...

Yes, you're alive & kicking, and your girlies are as cute as ever. Let me know if there is ever anyway I can help out! Or send my jr. helper out!

trudymiles said...

Thanks for the sweet you!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for posting the pictures. So fun to see Lexi with her presents.