Saturday, May 01, 2010

Teaser Post . . .

So, I went to upload my pictures and realized that I forgot our camera cord, so no pictures for a couple more days. The girls and I are in South Carolina for a couple more days, we all came out for Grandpa Haas' 80th birthday, but Darin had to go home and I stayed with the girls. It has been a great visit, with lots of giggles and hugs. Hopefully, I will be able to post some pictures soon.
I cannot believe that Lexi is going to be one in a few short days! She is into walking while holding onto someone's fingers and gets quite upset when when she has to quit. She has also started to give high fives. She still loves clapping, especially when someone else is. We went to a horse show before we came down here and she enjoyed all the clapping.
Caily is doing great, keeping us on our toes with all the things she says and does. Right at this moment, I am fighting bed time with her and her many excuses for not staying in bed. She uses the I am scared card a lot, which is hard because it is a hard one to discipline on, with not knowing if she really is scared or not.
Anyway, I am going to be done for now, hopefully I will post once I get home!


Beck's Bulletin said...

I love your new template Jods! Very nice....too bad about no pictures but I'm patient. It was fun to see you girls today on skype.

sethswifeforlife said...

MIssed seeing you today at church. Hope you have a safe trip home. And we'll have to get our little one year old's together for a park play date or something sometime soon!
blessings and Happy Birthday to little Lexi!!!!

sethswifeforlife said...

Happy Birthday sweet Lexi!!!! So glad you are ONE!

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