Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Randomness. . .

This is how I found Caily one "nap" time, she was all tucked in with a pillow and blanket, silly child!
Back in September, Darin did a wedding and the girls and I went along. It was at a cute dance hall, with a charming rustic feel.

This is the best I could get of the three of them, Darin and his girls!

I like this one of the two of them, just enjoying each other.
"Cheese!" said most enthusiastically!
Singing in the playroom.
Waking up or settling down, I am not sure, but they look all cozy with their blankets.
I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to post something before time got a way from me!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Such great pictures! Thanks for taking the time to post! Love every single one....

trudymiles said...

Such precious pictures! I check everyday to see if you've posted something...thanks so much. Love you all!

Fireflyhex said...

uch precious pictures! I check everyday to see if you've posted something...thanks so much. Love you all!

Anneliese said...

Cute pictures, as always! So nice to document the random moments.