Saturday, October 08, 2011

11 weeks!

 This one is actually at 10 weeks old!
 Lexi with her most faithful friend!  Lexi seems to be adding words daily, one of those is forever, said with the most conviction her little body can muster and about anything.  For example, "I dropped my sippy, forever!"  or "No, thank you, forever!"  She also says my for every personal pronoun, one of her favorite lines is, "Here my am!"  She has gotten out of this stage, but she said it yesterday and it reminded me that she would often say, un huh all the time in the cutest way.
 Daddy reading to his 3 girls.
 Bria's eyelashes seem to be growing with each day.
 She is such a smiley and happy baby.  When she gives her biggest smiles, her whole body seems to be smiling and her eyes disappear.
 She is getting stronger and can roll onto her side when she is on her back.
 She loves to tell us all about her day, especially once the older two have gone to bed and it is a little quieter!  She has been sleeping very well and this morning slept all the way til 6:45, I was very excited when I looked at the clock.
 Both girls love to hold Bria, although Lexi tends to hold her for a couple of minutes at the most and Caily will hold her for quite a while.  Caily continues to love to color and write and practices daily.  She also really loves to be silly and laugh.  She has recently started to learn how to ride a bike and loves to go on walks while either riding her bike or holding Sky's leash!
We sure love our three precious girlies!


Beck's Bulletin said...

What cuties! Love all the pictures. on the last onei think Bria looks a lot like Caily!

Lovella ♥ said...

So very sweet. It is fun to see your little ones.