Monday, November 10, 2014

The older two

 Caily and Lexi are both in school and it has been different for sure, both good and bad.  We all miss them and I wish their days weren't so long, but I am enjoying the extra time with the younger two.  They were both very excited for school to start, but that quickly wore off for Lexi.  Caily is in first grade and loving it.  She is doing so well with her reading and writing, she even made star student and high honors for her first nine weeks of school.  She is very diligent with her work and has seemed to make some sweet friends.  Lexi is learning to love school and all that comes with it.  The first month or so were rough, with lots of tears and hugs, but we seem to be on the up side of that.  She has also made some sweet friends that have helped with the transition as well.  They both come home with endless energy and Lexi has taken to climbing anything and everything.
 These were taken their first day of school, all smiles and excited for Kindergarten and first grade!

Second day of school
Exploring our property the day we closed.  They have really enjoyed exploring outside these days climbing trees and catching all sorts little things.

Caily lost her two front teeth and has quite the cute toothless smile.  Lexi has lost one tooth that she pulled by herself, since she has been working on for months.

There have been many birthday parties for school friends.  Lexi loved this one with a petting zoo with many baby animals.  

 Loving these two and the stage they are at.  This last picture is them standing "normally" for me, silly silly girls.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Love, love, love all the pictures!! So excited that you are blogging again.

Unknown said...

Such a great adventure...maybe we can come help in the future. I. Would love that!