Thursday, May 04, 2006

All Worn Out

I took this picture during a break the other in the heat of the day, both Darin and Jake thought the floor looked like a great place to take a nap. Darin didn't even wake up when I took the picture, Jake on the other hand looked up when the flash went off, but they were both exhausted.


sethswifeforlife said...

Way to capture the moment, Jody! The TX heat will do that to ya, won't it?

We gotta get together with you all again soon!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Wow! Must have been really hot outside! I guess we just needed to leave again for the temperatures to go up again! ;-) It's always fun to see new posts on your blog Jods....we miss you! All three of you!

Days in the Making said...

Great picture. I can't even relate! It has been so cold here lately (40's-50's and windy)! But I'm sure we will get plenty of that good ol' Texas heat while we are there! See you soon!

Nathan and Melissa said...

Hey Jody,
Looks like its been pretty hot there! I have been enjoying reading up on how life is going down in the South!

Heather said...

Time for more Jody ... Darin is now old news :). What can I say?? My daily checkups are getting quite disappointing.

hehe - love you lots!