Thursday, June 01, 2006

Happy anniversary to you and me!

This is a little late because our anniversary was on the 28th, but today is the first day that I have had to sit down and blog. We had a great anniversary and were greatly blessed by some members of our church to stay at their beach house on the coast of Texas. We left Sunday afternoon and headed down to Rockport to spend some time together relaxing and away from the busyness of the ranch life. We didn't do too much although we did go kayaking and biking, which was great because I love getting to do things like that together. We both got a little toasty, especially Darin's legs, which hadn't seen the sun very much at all. Jake got to come along, which was fun to not have to leave him behind because usually we are flying somewhere and he has to stay home. We came back Wednesday afternoon and nothing too horrible had happened to the horses, which was also a blessing because it is hard for Darin to relax when he has left the horses in someone else's care.

So, we have made it through the first year unscathed, contrary to the many rumors that we heard telling us that the first year would be horrible. Thank you to my wonderful husband for his love and patience. Thank you for telling me often that I don't have to be perfect, that you love me tears, warts and all. I love you more than I did a year ago and am excited for all the years the Lord blesses us with. You are champion of my heart and my tender warrior, I could not ask for any better of a husband.


Megan said...

Hey Darin and Jods,

Yes, Happy Anniversary to you both!! I can't believe that it has been an entire year!! It is crazy how times flies.
Glad to hear that you guys had a good relaxing time together away. Those are always needed every once in awhile.
You guys look good!!!
Take care
Love you

Beck's Bulletin said...

Glad to hear that you had a great time away! We thought of you often and even tried to call a couple of times, but didn't get through. Fun that Jake got to come along too!! He really is part of your family.

As for family, it's weird to think that for the rest of our lives you will be celebrating your anniversary the same week as us....a mere 30 years to go!! Married life really does just keep getting better and better! Honest!
Love you both and miss you lots!

Courtney and Jon said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Praise the Lord that you had a relaxing time away. I love to read about how you are doing and what you are doing. Thanks for sharing your life with me.
Take care.

sethswifeforlife said...

How fun to get away! And to the coast, that's awesome! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon! happy anniversary! Trust me, it only gets better! after 7 1/2 years is awesome, beyond belief, and I can't imagine how it's going to be at 30 or

Heather said...

Happy very belated anniversary to you! I have tried to comment several times ... but it keeps erasing them. Grrrses, hopefully this one will post.

Glad to hear that you had a wonderful getaway! It is always nice to be able to just spend time together.