Thursday, February 18, 2010


So, I am going to try to get back into the groove of blogging again and try to post more, even if there isn't pictures, but to just post something. Today there will be a couple of pictures that a friend of ours took when they were out looking at puppies, but I am only going to post a few and spread them out over a couple of days. Speaking of puppies we are down to four and two more will be leaving next Saturday and one we are going to keep. It is fun to watch them grow up and head out to new homes and people that are so thrilled to have them.

Some Caily phrases from today that I thought that I would post before I forgot them:
-on the way into town, "Mommy, stay on the road please!"
-while sitting on the potty once again instead of taking a nap "This is Goses (pronounced like Moses with a G), Goses the pupppy, do you want to say hi to Goses, do you want to hold him?" I don't know where she got the name, but she is randomly into naming things.
-now that I am writing them down, I cannot remember, so that will be all for now

Lexi is loving real food these days and is eating breakfast and supper (usually, when everything works out well). She is crawling everywhere and loving the freedom that comes with that. She is continuing to make us and Caily laugh all the time with her silliness and happiness.

Anyway, that is all for now, hopefully there will be more to come soon.


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Loved those precious pictures! I hope we get to see you all soon. It's so neat to be able to document their "growing up days" like this. Thanks so much! Love you all!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Those pictures are amazing.....the puppies are so cute and the one sleeping on Caily's lap is adorable....such a picture of perfect peace. Thanks for sharing both pictures and the things that happen in your daily lives. Love you and miss you lots!

sethswifeforlife said...

How convenient when you are potty training, that they want to go when they need to be napping, eh? :-) I remember those days!
That top pic of Lexi w/the puppy is SO cute! I wish we lived at home, and we'd take a puppy off your hands too! ah well. I have enough on my plate as it is, I guess.....for now anyway! see you soon!