Monday, September 20, 2010

BC Part 2. . .

A day at the park was in order, so the Moms and the littles, packed up and headed out to enjoy the sunshine! We packed a lunch to be able to enjoy even more of the time outside together.
Once again, the pictures are in reverse order, it takes too much brain power to get it right.

Mom trying to get Kai to look at the camera. . .
Kai wondering where everyone went and wishing he could move as quickly. . .
I love the action shot. . .
This was as good as we could get of the youngest cousins. . .
Kai just relaxing. . .
The Beck boys, serious about the task at hand . . .
The adults are the only ones looking at the camera. . .

Caily loves to help by pushing Lexi in the stroller, although she isn't so good at the art of going straight. . .
These next pictures, don't need much explaining, I love the different expressions on each of the little ones. . .

I think Kai enjoyed the company on the swings or he couldn't quite figure out what Lexi was doing . . .

I told Heather, she looks like a movie star mom at the park, big sunglasses, looking gorgeous and all put together. I rarely look that put together, muchless at the park. . .
There are so many pictures I want to post, considering these aren't even all the pictures from this day. More to come soon. . .


Beck's Bulletin said...

So much fun to see all the pictures again....I haven't had a chance to look at them since my laptop crashed. Thanks for the memories....

Heather said...

love the pictures and the recap - way to tackle them all :) I haven't been that brave yet!!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Love seeing all these sweet pictures. I know you had a great time. Sad that we all live so far apart, but it makes the "together" times all the more sweeter. Love you all! Doris, I was wondering why you hadn't posted anything....and just read about your laptop crashing...will be looking forward to your pictures and commentary too!

天皇賞 秋 2010 said...

第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!結果につなげるのはあなた次第!

Rosanna said...

I came across your blog by clicking the next blog button. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you had a wonderful time on your trip.

グリー said...


グリー said...


ジャパンカップダート said...

第11回 ジャパンカップダート 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある・・・現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!裏情報を独占公開

ワンピース said...
